Monday, April 23, 2012

Casinos Are A Go

     The NFL finally allows teams to accept advertisements from casinos.  This should lead to huge amounts of cash flooding into the NFL.  Why haven't they approved this earlier?  Are casinos that shady and unethical?  People love them and even Bob Kraft tried to bring one to Foxboro.  The allowance of casino advertisements will be valid until March 31, 2014.  Of course the NFL has to give it a test trial before going forward, right?
     Being the last of the major four leagues to allow casino advertisements, it's obvious the NFL has set major restrictions on the types of advertisements by casinos.  Ads can only appear in stadium, limited to the venue's concourse and upper bowl areas.  Radio and print, television, digital and mobile device ads are all prohibited.  Also, the ads cannot be sports themed, betting on sports, team logos, and players and coaches.  All ads must have a positive message and refrain from mentioning about the possibility of "winning it big time".  Also, the casinos agree to donate 5% of their deals value to the league's anti-ganmbling program for their employees.  Oh yeah, it gets even better.  The league demands that each club displays ads on mediums where the audience expected to be 70% ages 21 and older.
     Casinos seem to attract a certain type of person.  Who is to say that ads will make more people gamble?  If anything, it will pile up some serious cash for the NFL to work with.  Not like they already need it.

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